on the road


Examples of my work from key project actions to complete studies.

ITB 2023 and Beyond…

March 6th, 2023|Cases|

What have accountability and cooperation got to do with sustainability and resilience in tourism? After 17 years of living and working in this beloved region, I am happy to [...]


These are issues that I personally care about and volunteer for because they negatively impact our lives and ultimately, the whole world.

Destination in Pain

April 11th, 2019|Care|

That day, 9th March 2019, I got close to crying in public. After 12 years in this country, MY pain became unbearable. Returning from all the ITB Berlin 2019 [...]


If a biotope has favorable conditions, it will grow. These examples show the importance of networks and synergies.


Insights, knowledge, research, rationale and reasons.


Inspirational recommendations and stories about life and travel.

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